
Saturday, 24 December 2011

Magical Inspiration!

Earlier today, I was surfing the web, and came across a few pictures of Emma Watson. (isn't she just stunning!) One that caught my eye was this..

I love how casual but stylish her outfit was and got to thinking how I could recreate it to suit me.. I began searching all my favourite clothes websites and as usual, found what i was looking for on Topshop. 

I found a nice pair of leggings, a high-collared shirt and a slouchy jumper to throw over the top!



Now, to jazz it up a little...

And paired with some nice flats and a black bag, that's the look finished! Feel free to take what you like and mix it up a bit to create you own individual look, and if you want to look more like Emma then simply use a checked shirt and a cream jumper, and you're done!

I hope you like this Emma Watson inspired look :)
Anna xo


  1. Gorgeous post!
    Maybe we can follow to each other?

  2. such an awsome insoiration! She is gorgeous!<3
    On my blog you can apply for a blog presentation and you don't have to present me as well!;) so just try it, I would be happy!:)
    lovely greetings xoxo
